Ikechukwu Joseph's Blog

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Ikechukwu Joseph is a poet and author of best-selling “Unlocking Closed Doors, Strategic Spiritual Warfare, Discovering Yourself.” He also writes Speculative Fictions, Christian Fictions, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal and Christian Non-Fiction. His books are available at Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo
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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Divine Immunity in Christ (Touch not my Anointed)

Divine Immunity in Christ
(Touch not my Anointed)

Edifying Quote: Breaking divine protocol has grievous consequences! The seal marks you out as royalty determines how you carry yourself. We are not only saved but safe. Not only insured but assured. Not only helped but are helpers,
Concept of Divine Immunity

Case: I remember a case where two sisters out of love and happiness decided to have a snapshot or photograph. They did and after the photograph was developed, it appeared with a binding visible cross in between them which was not there when they took it.
Also in another instance snapshot was taken while we were conducting a worship service and when developed there was this kind of radiance or halo light that encircled my head. I never noticed or regarded it until someone who saw it said that if it were to be abroad then they would have developed it further to show and examine the light. The situation and distance from which it was taken can’t warrant that light. I know some sycophants will argue. Am a scientist too and I know what am talking. To God be all the glory.
There had been other cases where believers have been either surrounded by fire or immersed in the blood of Christ or dazzling protective light on their foreheads from testimonies of repentant witches, wizards or cult fellows who tried to attack genuine children of God.

Matt. 18:6
If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the deep sea.
Ambassadors have immunity in the country they are serving and so all that belong to them have seals and cannot be checked. Doing so will amount to breaking agreed and signed diplomatic protocol. In the same light so also your health, body, soul, spirit, family etc. have divine immunity. Consciousness or firm awareness of this or your right stands you out, tall and secured and cannot be swayed. All things are ready. To be ignorant of who you are will make you an endangered species for the bible says that my people are destructed or err for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6, Matt.22:29). Seals are mostly engraved to make them permanent.
Christians have the seal of the Holy Spirit, the emblem of identification on their forehead which says this man or woman is sealed, shielded and protected. He or she is untouchable, ‘uncurseable’ therefore keep away- no thoroughfare, no packing, this is a reserved area. Devil or agents of darkness keep off or you will be grounded or bear the consequences. So the devil looks at you, small you and he thinks he can crush you but for the seal of identification he sees on your forehead. Through the seal as he looks at you he sees God, the omnipotent almighty. So you are under such protective cover. He looks at the seal again thinking he knows all about you but he sees the omniscience, the all-knowing God - who has exposed the devices and wiles of the devil unto you. You know more than the devil and his agents know. You should remember that. Remember what they called Peter and the disciples in their amazement - the unschooled or unlearned but how come they do such great things.
Acts 4:13
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.
The devil will look at your age again and he will see the omnipresence of God, the aura, the Shekinah glory of God, the halo of the almighty clothing and covering you. He bows out and says that he or she is untouchable. He tried all his wicked devices and failed. Say “I have divine immunity so I am untouchable and ‘uncurseable.
Christ Ambassador: we are Christ ambassadors on earth, God’s vice regents. So the presence and aura of God follows you and your family wherever you go. You have the power of attorney to represent Christ on earth, exhibit his power and control because as many as receive him to them he gave power to become the children of God. So the government of this world or the world system obeys the immunity clause about you so as to avoid trouble. You are
- A messenger with a message
- A missionary with a mission
- A commissioner with a commission
- An ambassador with a backup
You have a divine mandate.
Features of Immunity:
Seal - As every diplomat or diplomatic property have a seal to mark it out of suspicion or susceptibility or vulnerability so a Christ Ambassador has seal to warn intruders that this is a no go area, keep off, this is divinely reserved anointed God’s property.
Seal Defined: Greek word sphragis denotes seal or signet (seal of the living God - Rev. 7:2, an emblem of ownership and security). The person to be sealed being immune from destruction and marked for reward. It also mean authentication  and sure foundation (2 Tim 2:19). Signs of immunity are the seals:
-the seal of protection
-the seal of ownership
-the seal of identity
-the seal of security
-the Seal of Approval and Authentication
Seal is also an engraved stamp that will be proof of authentication. In O.T and N.T seal was used literally and figuratively. In 1 Cor. 9:2 Paul’s converts were seen as a seal on Paul’s ministry
-Eph. 1:13…In whom also after you believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise …
-2 Cor. 1:22 …Who has also Sealed us and given the earnestness of the Spirit in our heart …
-Exodus 7:16 …Let my people go ….
-Exodus 12:13 …when I see the blood I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you …
To kidnap or keep a seal carrier against his wish or the will of God is putting yourself in trouble. Even when the Israelites sinned and God allowed them into slavery they were still carrying about the same Seal of God marking them as the ‘untouchables’ of God. The protection of God was still upon them.
The Seal of Protection Exemplified: Ex 8:22 – 23: this seal saved the Israelites and their land from the plague that came upon the Egyptians. The land of Goshen where they lived was spared from the swarm of flies and the entire first born of the Israelites escaped the cold hands of death.
 When I see the blood I will pass over you (Ex 12:13).
-The Shadow of the almighty, the Shield and Buckler (Ps 91:1, 4; Ps 35:2): The shields and buckler were strips covered with bronze or gold and symbolic of divine protection. The shadow of the almighty is a kind of Gods protective covering, refuge and fortress for those who dwell, abide or remain in the presence of God. To be safe don’t leave the shelter like the chickens that run for cover under the covering of the Mother fowl when the predator kite comes.
-The Mark of separation upon the righteous (Ezek. 9: 1-7): Here we see how righteousness and holiness can separate and cover you from the killers. God asked the Leader to mark those who stand for the right and just so that they escape the judgment of God.
-The Seal of Approval and Authentication on Forehead (Rev 9:4): Not only there in glory but here also (Rev.22:4).You might not see it but it is there. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. The seal attracts the angels on assignment over you and for you.(Heb. 1:14).When the enemies surrounded Elisha and his servant cried out “Alas master what shall we do?” The mastered prayed God to open his eyes to see that greater is that with them. Be conscious of your guardian angels. I say none shall harm them (Ps 105:15, 1 chron. 16:22).You may have life insurance policy here but I call what we have with God as life assurance forever.
-The Seal of Righteousness: Rom 4:11 called the seal of Abraham, an authentication of righteousness of Abraham’s faith and external attestation of his covenant with God. We are Abraham’s seed by faith too.
The foundation of God
2 Tim. 2:19
Having this seal, the firm foundation of God standeth sure. The Lord knows those that are His.
Are you in the number? This shows ownership, authentication, security, and destination. Let everyone that calls upon the name of the Lord depart from iniquity i.e. showing a ratification of the believer, of Gods counsel on him or her. Knowing this let’s live to match
- Talking about seal in Eph. 4:30, 29, 31, 32, Paul warned about the life style that can dent or corrupt this seal of protection - corrupt communication, bitterness, anger etc. The seal marks you out as royalty determines how you carry yourself.
No matter what happens in your life or did not happen. How long it took or did not take, God owns you and he sets the times and season of what happens to his handwork. You are Gods master piece. His will on your life is not limited or bounded my TIME, or circumstances. So let no man judge you. It is not a sin to be fat neither to be skinny It is not a sin to be single neither is it to be married etc.
Gods Set Time: If Abraham had waited for Gods set time or due season of visitation in his life, there will be no Ishmael, the descendants of wild Arabs today but the child of promise Isaac came when he was 100yrs and Sarah 90yrs old (Gen. 17:17)
- Moses was called at 80yrs while in a strange land herding sheep (Ex. 3)
- Joseph entered Gods plan for his life at age 17 (Gen. 37:2)
- David was anointed by Samuel at a tender age of 13 or so. God set his seal of leadership and warrior on David. So let no man, age or time or circumstances intimidate you. You are destined for Gods purpose at a set time.
Like David: Let not your age put a limit to what God can do. Go confront the Goliaths of life.
Like Moses: In a strange land or far country, hear the voice of God from the special burning bush – remove your shoes for where you stand is a Holy ground.
Like Joseph: Hold onto your dreams and visions, your calling no matter what the people say.
Like Abraham: The Father of many nation without a physically seen child at age 99, wait for Gods time.
Like Sarah at ninety, well passed her menopause look up to the one that promised. You have the seal, no one can pause your life. His seal is still upon your womb. It is not dead but alive. It is carrying the future generation, the destiny, success and your fruitfulness. You have the seal of protection, security, identity and ownership. So grieve not the Holy Spirit with which you were sealed unto the day of redemption.
Warning: Until you have the seal or are sealed, you are vulnerable, exposed and not safe. You are naked. Make peace with God so that you can have the peace of God by accepting Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and savior (Rev 9:4, 7:3).
-Your Forehead/Face: The forehead is covering the brain, the human computer. Every part of the body has a connection to the brain. Destroy the brain or forehead to kill the whole life. David targeted Goliath forehead to disorganize him (1 Sam. 17:49).
We have the name of Jesus on our forehead (Rev. 22:4)
- When Israelites saw Moses his face shone that they feared (Ex. 34:30)
- Sets a mark of separation on the righteous that abhors sin (Ezek. 9:4)
- Face of Dagon (Philistine god) bowed in surrender (1 Sam. 5:4)
- Ezra and the people bowed forehead in worship (Neh. 8:6)
- David shot Goliaths forehead to defeat him (1 Sam. 17:49)
- Until you are sealed you are vulnerable and exposed, you are naked (Rev. 7:3)
Deal with the forehead, the representation of the total man and you deal with his whole life; who are you? A holy Ghost seal carrier and vector
Gal 6:17- from henceforth let no man trouble me for i bear in my body the marks of the lord Jesus
Angels on Assignment: (Ps 91: 11-13): Outside being divine messengers angels are commissioned to protect God’s people.
Ps. 91:11
“For he has given his angels (especial) charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways (of obedience and services - AMP).”
Angels are called ministering spirits (servants) sent to minister unto the saints. You are protected. They are there following, “your going in and coming out,” whether you see them physically or not. Just be aware of their presence. We don’t worship them.
- In heaven angels worship and hallow God (Rev. 5: 11 - 12)
- On earth they run errand for God and the believers.
- They prosecute God’s judgment and purposes - They blocked Balaam’s way (Num.22:22), to kill Herod (Acts 12:23), separate wheat from tares (Matt.13:41)
- Angels guide believers e.g. guide Philip to see the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26)
- They protect, assist and help saints e.g. Daniel in lion’s den (Dan. 6:22), Jesus (Matt. 4:11, Luke 22:43), Elijah (1 kings 19) etc. If no one can mess around with you because of your guardian angel, don’t mess yourself up, don’t grieve the Holy Spirit of God and the angels on assignment lest they withdraw their services.
Warning: That you claim and declare, “I am untouchable! I am uncurseable!” is the truest truth there is to, if I may use such words about your relationship with God through the new (fresh) and living way (Heb. 10:20). Your claims are true and mean that there must have been attempts to curse or touch you, there are attempts at cursing and there will still in future be attempts at touching and cursing you in spite of your immunity. The devil will always try but they will fail. It is so because we are still in this world but the fittest will always win. God is the fittest and is not by might. The enemies will all fail because God said so. That you have protection does not mean you will not face spiritual opposition. In fact is the protection that attracts the enemy and the opposition. You are already a winner, a victor and an overcomer before the battle because we fight from victory of Christ and not for victory. Christ already won for us. All things are ready. Assume your positional sonship covenant right and authority like the lawyer, police man or woman on duty with power of attorney, standing in for the state or the ambassador with immunity and seal unsusceptible. Immunity means to be unsusceptible, resistance, or exempt from something others are subject or subjected to. Don’t break the seal. Live right.
- Go-grow-glow and be glorified – enter your glory. Work with grace, it will take you to glory. God says you are a blessed one. What do you say about yourself? Your attitude and aptitude determines your altitude and your altitude your accolades, access and success. Light inside of us can overcome, withstand or overshadow any darkness outside of us. Jesus is the Light. Convert the enormous power deposit in you called potential energy (unused and dormant) to kinetic (moving, utilizable) energy. Wake up the giant in you. Anointing grows when put to work than when left dormant and sleeping inside you. Don’t wait anymore, put your faith to work or you may die of old age waiting for open doors.
Prophetic Confessions:
1. I have divine immunity in Christ so am protected
2. I am untouchable because I have the hedge of fire and angels surrounding me
3. I am uncurseable because I am a partaker of divine nature
4. I am a covenant child so I  have divine access
5. By reason of Christ death and resurrection and the anointing all things are ready...for everything is prepared...Matt. 22:4
6. I am a Son and not a servant or slave
7. I am a joint heir with the Son and will partake of the kingdom of God
8. I am a Royal Priesthood and kingly and priestly anointing runs in my blood
9. I am an Overcomer for we overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the words of our testimony
10. I am a Fruitful Branch. Jesus is my true Vine.
11. I am a Governor Elect in the Waiting for I shall reign and rule with Christ in the Millennium
12. I have divine immunity and I bear in my body the mark of the Lord Jesus Christ therefore let no man trouble me.

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